Mothers Blood

We are not moody we are ‘moonish’
Cycles that rule earth ask our bodies for primal deliverance of the possibility of life
The moon pulls the tides of the ocean and you ask we be still as it pulls our womb
Remember a time in the cell memory of your being you used to worship this vessel
You gave gold and harvest for the opportunity to taste the honey
A sacred ceremony now relegated to a dirty transaction as the goddess became your whore
You can remember now or wait for the axis to slip as what you refer to as meek resurrects
She knows what she needs and how to get it
She will witness and watch and by our choice she will let it all fall and flip upside down
Her breast was not meant to be your summit to conquer it was your life breath
Salvation is in the core of what created you
Reach in, inside you is the flame that remembers the womb of all life
The core of your being knows exactly who she is and is ready for reunion


Truth & Letting Go


Authentic Contradiction