Authentic Contradiction

Contradiction is ever in play during this revealing Mercury retrograde. I’ve decided to offer contribution to all this confusion. I just saw copy with someone calling themselves an “authenticity advisor”. (confession, the word authentic has lost its lustre as I’ve found it over-served in many covert cover ups for a ton of bullshit) OK, so now let’s examine the shadow & light in this oxymoron. How I see this from my own light & shadow is… Since when would someone need to be advised on how to be ‘authentic’ if what is being sought is truly authentic? How can someone teach you how to be you? Ok, so I will give this ‘authenticity advisor” the benefit of the doubt, perhaps we are caught in semantics, maybe they really want to help people connect back to themselves? I get that, humans are finding it hard to be in connection with the core of who they are after being taught that they should not trust their intuition, know how and feelings. A word; beautiful & full of truth has become a marketing expletive used to have people believe they need advising on how to be who they already are. Someone other than you holds the expertise on you, how you are showing up, and the knowledge of  how  you  are “not quite right”. This seems like a move away from truth to be shown what being “authentic” really looks like. Now here’s where we are going to plunge into the rabbit hole. There are individuals that really are not showing up “authentic”. There is a lot of fakery, deception and simple confusion around us. As human beings we are all fallible and have found ourselves at the well of artifice while carving out the persona that’s sits in front of our essence. Do we need some training and mentorship from the sages & elders on the reconnection back to our core? Yes, to me that is  meditation, getting still, yoga, therapy, coaching, intuitive training, nature, hiking collecting in tribe, writing, poetry, spirit journeys and listening to the messages. What I am really interested in is the intersection between where we lost ourselves and where we turn back around. The sweet spot that wakes us up to look back inside. What is the provocateur, the calling, the wake up, the soul shaking moment when you realize the mask is already hanging half off your face? This intersection when the seeking of the answer moves inside and we go looking for the map & guide back to soul. This is the place where the ‘authentic’ is home.  Hmm, so do we or don’t we need “authenticity advisors”… or are we just playing in semantics?

So, here I leave you without an answer, again… sorry about that. This is an invitation for you to explore what your own ‘authenticity’ really looks like. How do you feel about this word? What does being authentic mean to you? How do you connect with your core and back to yourself? Where do you find or seek ‘advisement’ on coming back to yourself? Would you ever hire an “authenticity advisor”?

Blessings & truth to the core of who you are!


Mothers Blood

