You May…Choices

You may need to choose between your integrity & profits

You may need to leave the venture when the environment is no longer tolerable

You may need to stand for something that no one else understands or supports

You may get involved with what seems idyllic, go really deep then wake up one day and realize you hate it

You may be foiled by individuals vomiting values that seem aligned with yours only to find out they have two sides to their mouths

You may receive the text that’s ‘about’ you instead of ‘to’ you

You may finally wake up to what misogyny really is

You may have to argue with those you love about what equality really means

You may have to learn really fast about an issue to save someone you love

You may find yourself on a path when you meant to take the road

You may decide to shut it down and go in a completely different direction

You may sell the things you once cherished because you are no longer the person that loved them

You may say no to the next two, three or four potential opportunities because you know in your soul that they still are not the one

You may begin to move just for the simple act of taking an action when in fact you have no idea where it is all going to land

You may get on the plane with no idea what is making you take this risk

You may decide that the decision not to decide does not mean you are deciding

You may actually say “No” and tell the truth as to why

You may not miss them and decide that the space actually doesn’t feel empty

You may see the plagiarism and decide that you ego doesn’t need to have this fight

You may put the project on the shelf for five years then one day decide its day has come

You may realize that all the posturing is bullshit and truth never boasts

You may sit still when you are desperately wanting to feel accomplishment

You may just say ‘fuck it’ and abandon it all

You may get quit when everything is telling you to scream

You may listen to the voice that whispers instead of the one that yells

You may see what was right in front of you that never begged to be seen


24 hour rule…


My waist, My space, I will not be moved aside