We are all Connected

We are all connected, that’s why everything hurts so bad right now. We are either angry, dumbfounded, hiding, or at a complete loss for what to say. All our energies are connected, the fibre of our souls is saying remember & honour. Grieve & feel to your core the love and the loss. In the ether we will reconvene on this worldly experience & perhaps then we will be given the answer to “why”! Why we chose to disconnect & forget our true nature of love & connection? Why we became entrenched in the illusion & weight of the incarnation? Why we were staring at resources and screaming scarcity? Why we were asking for love and rejecting the offering because it looked different from what we imagined or how we were told it should look? Why we inflicted so much pain, suffering and cruelty on others & ourselves? Why we judged when acceptance was the lesson? Why we completely misconstrued & manipulated the laws of God & man to our own benefit? Why we stopped serving & seeing everyone’s contribution to the tribe? Why we created the illusion of competition when the offering was compassion? Why fear manifested hatred & disconnect when we were supposed to come together to love & create solution? Why we chose what mattered and what did not? Why nature showed us grace & fury and how to recover and grow but we refused to see? There are subtle answers in the stillness, the blade of grass, the flower petal, the dirt and the air we breathe. You will have to feel what you cannot see and it may hurt more than you can fathom to open your heart before your eyes.




Come Undone