Truth & Letting Go

“In spite of what anyone believes about you the sun will still rise and bring warmth to your face!”

Being in a relationship and being “truly” connected do not always come in a cohesive package. There has to be mutuality for relation to occur.  Letting go of people is not easy, but, if we search our souls we will see signs that something ‘did not feel right’. That feeling may have been sometimes, once in a while or maybe all the time. We chose to ignore that feeling because something still felt right, there was fun, moments of bliss, commonality, history, focusing on the good and seeing a glimpse of the divine in this individual.  That is what the self-professed conscious do; they see the god in all life and know that is what matters. We forgive, we forget, and so the boundary lacking cycle continues until we are all ate up to the point that we have no idea what flavour we once were. We make a date and think, “what was I thinking?”. These meetings leave us feeling spent, drained and used up, yet we keep going back to a well that is dried up hoping that the contribution we make will sustain us. We are left with an insatiable thirst for the truth of what is real. Thus we manifest situations to draw out the truth, we make choices that leave scars and forever change the course of this life’s path. We bump into each other in human form forgetting that we agreed to a contract in this incarnation that would have us play out feeling and experience. We forget who we are, that we are all connected and that there is no ‘other’. So we play, we see and we honour these fleshly bodies.

I’ve been the betrayed and the ‘perceived” betrayer … sitting in both seats & living both perspectives helped me align with the truth around intentions and what was at the core of both experiences. When I was ‘perceived’ as the betrayer it was shocking & misidentifying. My intention to protect my friend turned into a mess of miscommunication and sordid gossip. How could ‘I’ self-righteous, conscious, seer have manifested this situation in which I was the proverbial bad ‘friend’‘? But I had. My intentions in the situation were actually fully aligned and I thought I was being a hero & saviour once again.. my ego had a strong investment in being that to this friend. That was not how she received it at all, she shut me out & we broke up. Rightfully so. I had to honour her truth in spite of having my best intentions. My heart was broke as well as hers, I felt like I did not get to fully explain, or be understood & she could not receive my intentions. She didn’t have to. When the dust settled and my defences came down I was able to witness why & how I manifested this very situation to free myself and her of a bond that served neither of us. The relationship was built on a foundation that left me often feeling shaken with a constant inability to meet expectation, a feeling that I was only receiving half-truths and exhausted by demands. If I felt this she must have felt similar as we are both too intuitive not have read each other. So what appeared as a disaster was actually a gift to both of us to go find “our people”. As in the humans that are meant for our next assignment, feeling and this incarnations growth. The space left was filled with a new tribe of my true sister coven and I have witnessed her in complete joy with her new people. I don’t know if I have a message for you in any of this other than to say that the space she left behind has flourished, I forgave myself for sticking my nose in business that was not for me, her ‘perception’ and I was able to honour my manifestation & my truth. We are both better without each other in the flesh fulfilment of this life. The years have brought healing and every once in a while I have the most amazing dreams about her, we talk, we laugh and we forgive. I really miss her laugh but so honour the karmic fulfilment of our journey together. Life goes on and we flow with our own sacred paths. I am grateful for our journey & it’s fruition.

Some other great learnings you can quote me on: 

“I would have done anything for you” is an easy statement to make when you know you will never be asked!”

“Sometimes Goodbye is a gift disguised as heartbreak!”

“Honour the entrance and exit of relationships to flow to and from your heart & life. You can politely disengage from what does not serve, honour or provide safe haven. A peaceful existence in a stance of love can preserve the heart bloom and disengage from the sprout of drama. You will have to be mature and you will have to stay connected to your soul & source to allow departure without the ego’s need to engage.”


Your Seed is Resilent


Mothers Blood